About Me

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Bye Bye Coco

weight: no scale yet. will know by friday :)

wow, time has really flown! I leave Costa Rica on Thursday of this week. 4 days. I can't believe I was able to be away from my hometown and my family for so long. This trip has been such a beautiful and exhilarating experience. It has really strengthened my independence and also my relationship with my boyfriend, if that makes any sense. Here are some pics of this beautiful place:

Now, regarding my weight loss and exercise. Exercise has been pretty on point. I've been doing T25 and I also walk a lot because we don't have a car. I've also been making healthier food choices, although I haven't been 100%. I think I should 
 be at about 135-137 when I get back home. 

I've also had some discussions with my boyfriend about possibly getting a tummy tuck. It's a big step for me, because I am absolutely terrified of doctors and needles and have fainted at regular doctor appointments. But, this summer I wanted so bad to be able to wear a bikini...and I couldn't. I have a pretty flat tummy, but a tummy tuck would get rid of some of the stretch marks below my belly button and would make me feel way more comfortable. My extra skin isn't excessive but it is there...a part of me feels shallow for wanting to do this since it's cosmetic. But, the bigger part of me feels like I worked my butt off to lose this weight, and why shouldn't I. The main reason why I haven't yet done it is because I want to make sure I've done everything possible (working out) and let my skin adjust. I've been looking at realself.com to get used to these pictures of scars and what all that will look like. Right now, the procedure is only a maybe. I think I am going to keep working out until the end of the year, and maybe in January for the new year (and my 28th BD), I will go and get a consultation. AGHHH! even typing that freaks me out a little. 

In other news. I went ziplining. Check that off my list of things to do that I didn't or couldn't do when I was heavier because i was uncomfortable or because of weight restrictions :D Boo Ya!

1 comment:

  1. It's so great to hear you've had such an amazing experience. You look so lovely and confident in your pictures, I love that dress! As for the tummy tuck, well, you're right! You've worked so hard and if surgery is the last step in sculpting your dream body then go for it. I always said to myself that I would get a nose job if or when I feel I have that kind of money to spare. It's really vain, but I've always hated my nose and I just want to straighten it out, it's not going to hurt anyone by doing it (apart from me!) so, why not?
