About Me

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I have moved over to www.cupcakeswithlessfrosting.com

seems like more space for me :D I have a section titled Blogs for my posts. Hope to see you guys there!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Polar watch

weight: 143

I am so in love with my Polar watch. It was a Christmas gift from my fiance's grandparents and I am amazed at how motivated it keeps me. I used to have the first generation fitbit when they came out, but it was more of a pedometer at the time and it really didn't work for me. The Polar watch has been super easy to use and it gives me a better estimate of how many calories I'm burning hiking or on the treadmill via my heart rate. I use it when I've done T25 and even all that jumping around didn't bother the heart rate band I have to wear with it. The only thing I don't like about it is the watch is a bit clunky, but since I only wear it to work out, I guess it's not a big deal. Plus, it's pink. Anything pink is cute, right?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Back at It. Life.

weight: 143 (ouch)!!

So a few things have happened in the last few months.
I'm heavier. My goal is 135 and well, I'm 143. I actually got up to 149.9 (ahhhh) but have been back on track for about two months now. So, what happened? I went to GA with the BF and well, I just had a really good time. We spent about a month just road tripping to/from Georgia. We stayed in awesome places. WE ate at yummy restaurants. I had a lot of fried food. And when I got back to LA, I was stressed and had to find a place to live (the Boyfriend and I are finally settling down a little). In November, I finally weighed myself and it was 149.9. Geeze. Anyway, I joined the gym and started working out and as of this morning I was 143. I've been working my butt off to get back down to 135. I consider anything over 140 for me to be too much, so right now I'm happy that I'm getting close.

What else has happened.....well....I'm engaged! Woot woot!
haha, even at the grocery store I take random pictures of my ring. I love it! and him. So, this is yet another reason why I want to get down to 135 again. Want to look my absolute best for my wedding. And here is a pic I took today. 141 doesn't look that much different than 135 on me, but I FEEL different: 
 And finally. I am going to try very hard this year to become a personal trainer. I quit my job back in May of last year, and have been helping my Fiance (still feels weird to call him that) with his business. But, I think my passion is working out and helping others in their weight loss and nutrition goals. In fact, I've been trying to help my fiance lose weight--and so far it's working as he's down from about 208 when we weighed in November to 187. I am so excited for this year!!